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Hello! My name is Kenny and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet.

I love solving problems, providing effective and ingenious solutions to a problem at hand. I am a passionate Software Engineer and will put in the work to always find solutions to problems.

When I'm not coding, I devote my time to self-Improvement, praying and I enjoy reading books. I enjoy playing chess in my spare time.

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Need a Website?

I specialize in creating websites for individuals and small businesses. I provide custom designs at affordable prices. Regularly, your website is the first impression you will give to your customers. I am here to make sure it's a good one.

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Need a Web developer?

I specialize in Front-end Development that entails working with React, HTML5/CSS, Vanilla JavaScript.

I am proficient in Back-end Development which involves Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose.

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I devote myself to giving my clients finished projects meet, yet surpass their underlying vision. As the client, it is crucial for you to know what to expect. Below is a list of services I provide:

5 computers

Web App Development

Front-end and Back-end Web development, design of wireframes and full stack Web Applications.

UX design

UI/UX Design

Human-focused perspective to all design decisions so that product is built for target audience and making sure the product is easy-to-navigate

computer,tablet and phone

Responsive Design

Designed to look great and work well across all types of devices, with a logical and streamlined page structure that allows users(and search engines) navigate systematically.

blaptop ana airpods

Brand Strategy

Marketing and advertising strategies that use both online and offline technology to promote your services and build your brand.


Here are some of my latest projects. I encourage you to look through them.



A fully responsive, beautiful and modern website for an ontrend full-service Doggy DayCare.



Fully custom-designed website for a local Flower Shop that sells all kinds of flowers.